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Hot Water Bottle Therapy

Since the beginning of time, people have used heat for comfort and treatment of physical ailments. Written accounts of physical techniques for healing using heat can be traced as far back as the writings of Hippocrates in 400 B.C. Early hot water bottles made of animal skins were crude but effective. Later came the traditional rubber versions, also effective but rather drab and hampered by their limited technology.

Today our state-of-the-art hot water bottles are manufactured of a spaceage thermoplastic material conforming to the world ISO 9001 standard . These bottles hold heat longer, are suitable for steam sterilization and have an integrally molded jointless neck. They are far superior to their rubber counterparts.

Why Heat Treatment is Effective for the Body

Surface heating an area of the body produces specific effects which can increase comfort and the rate of healing. These effects are a result of the body's attempt to maintain a constant temperature. When heat is applied to a body part, the surface temperature rises, as does the temperature of the blood in the tissues just below the skin. The blood vessels enlarge (vasodilate) to help speed the removal of warmed blood from the area: this allows cooler blood to arrive thus preventing overheating. As a result of this vasodilation, there is a greater flow of blood through the heated area bringing more oxygen and nourishment in and moving more waste products out of the area. Local heating also changes metabolism in the heated area when healing processes are occuring.

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